25 Mar by Margareta Moir

The AGM will be held at the Arts Theatre, 6 Surf Road, Cronulla on Tuesday, 26 March 2024 at 7:30pm.

The theatre cannot survive without the goodwill of its members who give up hours of their free time to help provide the services that the theatre offers to the community. The Committee provides the central management of the theatre, making the day-to-day activities of the theatre run smoothly, as well as looking at the future direction of the theatre.

The AGM is an opportunity for each member to come along and hear how the theatre is progressing and ask questions of the theatre management. It also provides a chance for members to become involved in the future by joining the Committee.

Membership fees should be paid prior to the AGM. Payment of membership can be paid on the night at the meeting prior to the commencement of the meeting. Membership fee is $25 per calendar year.

At the AGM, all positions become vacant.

To be eligible to vote you must be a financial member of three months standing and you must have at least six months standing to stand for a committee position.

The following positions will be open for election:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Publicity Officer
f. Ticketing Manager
g. Front of House Manager
h. Stage Coordinator
i. Technical Manager
j. Props & Wardrobe Coordinator
k.Two Ordinary Members

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Margareta Moir
ATC Secretary


6 Surf Rd, Cronulla NSW 2230, Australia